Please read ALL of the information below as we want students & parents to feel confident returning to class.
Returning to class:
Junction 6 Studio Specific Guidelines:
Our Lady's Parish Centre, Castleknock, Specific Guidelines:
Carry Centre, Killiney, Specific Guidelines:
Tyrrelstown Community Centre, Specific Guidelines:
Government Guidelines:
Guidance we follow on PODS
- Students will be greeted at the door and assigned their own place/pod in class, we ask parents not to enter the hall at this time.
- Classes will wrap up 5 minutes early to allow for students to leave without overlapping the next class. So please be ON TIME for drop off and collection as we can't have extra people waiting in class.
- Students will have an allocated space in class, which they must stay in until it's their turn to take to the dance floor. After which they will return to their space. Their spaces will be at least 2 metres away from each other.
- Each student's space will be sanitised before and after class. And the entire class will be sanitised at the end of the session.
- Students will be given hand sanitiser by the teacher upon entry and exit. If there is an issue with this, the parent must let us know as the students are not allowed to refuse by themselves (we understand it doesn't smell great)
- Students will not be permitted to use the toilet in class unless it's an emergency. So please go to the toilet before class.
- Face masks are not compulsory in class, but will also not be discouraged, in particular when entering and exiting class.
- Please keep us up to date if your child is not at class because they are unwell.
- Bring own water bottle. And towel for advanced classes.
- We cannot tie laces in class anymore, so if they need help with this, please have their shoes on, with laces tied before class, with a double or triple knot.
- We cannot hold hands with beginner level students anymore when showing them their steps.
- Students have had a lot of time off, so please get blister socks to protect their heels. They work best using them to prevent blisters rather than using them afterwards.
- If new shoes are needed, please organise them in advance, before returning to the studio.
Junction 6 Studio Specific Guidelines:
- Students must enter and exit though the emergency exit doors. We need to keep parents and students out of the main foyer of the building at this time.
Our Lady's Parish Centre, Castleknock, Specific Guidelines:
- Students enter though the main entrance and exit (collected) at exit at the side of the building.
- Parents cannot wait in the reception area
Carry Centre, Killiney, Specific Guidelines:
- Students enter though the main entrance and exit (collected) at exit at the left hand side of the building.
- Parents cannot wait in the reception area
Tyrrelstown Community Centre, Specific Guidelines:
- Parents can drop students to the door of the studio, then exit through the emergency exit, using the opposite stairwell.
- Parents cannot wait in the corridor or reception area
Government Guidelines:
- Individuals should not return to dance activities in any capacity if in the last 14 days they have been unwell, if they or a family member have travelled internationally, or if they or a family member have had contact with a known or suspected case of COVID-19. Open lines of communication are vital in identifying these situations.
- Attendees with any respiratory symptoms should not attend and should be medically cleared by a doctor prior to their return to classes.
Guidance we follow on PODS
- Dance schools may operate multiple pods if sufficient space is available and strict public health protocols are in place.
- Each pod consists of 6 students. (Our students will have individual pods)
- Each pod must be minimum 2m apart from another pod
- One teacher can operate more than one pod as per above guidelines in relation to multiple pods.
- Staggered arrival and leaving times for each pod if there is only 1 entrance and exit.